Advisory board
The advisory board consist of three internationally reknown scientists. They will provide advice, ”wise counsel”, monitoring, encouragement and support, and constructive criticism. The advisory board will be especially important for assessing and further developing the research program in close collaboration with the managing board, and with input from the RTG assembly.

Dr. Ingo V. Hartung
Executive Director & Global Head of Medicinal Chemistry & Drug Design, Global Research & Development
Merck HealthCare KGaA, Darmstadt/Germany

Prof. Dr. Gunda I. Georg
Regents Professor of Medicinal Chemistry,
Robert Vince Endowed Chair, McKnight, Presidential Cahir, Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Director, Institute for Therapeutics Discovery and Development, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, USA

Prof. Dr. Maria L. Bolognesi
Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Italy