Universität Bonn

Research Training Group RTG 2873 - University of Bonn

Meet the expert - Dr. Hannes Shihada
Dr. H. Shihada gave an interesting lecture to our RTG 2873 PhD Students.
Meet the expert - Prof. Dr. Nina Schützenmeister
Prof. Dr. N. Schützenmeister gave an interesting lecture to our RTG 2873 PhD Students.
Meet the expert - Prof. Dr. Gunda Georg
Prof. Dr. Georg gave an interesting lecture to our RTG 2873 PhD students.
Pharmaceutical Colloquium
Current program - For more than 30 years the Pharmaceutical Colloquium offers excellent lectures on current topics in drug discovery and related fields.
Meet the expert - Dr. Peter Ettmayer
Dr. Peter Ettmayer gave an interesting lecture to our RGT 2873 PhD students.
Meet the expert - Prof. Dr. Margherita Brindisi
Prof. Dr. Margherita Brindisi gave an interesting lecture to our RTG 2873 students.
GRK Student Julia Dörner received Diploma Thesis Award
Julia Dörner has been awarded the prize for the best diploma thesis at the Pharmaceutical Institute of the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg for the academic year 2022/23. The award is granted annually by Serumwerk Bernburg AG. 
"Meet the expert" Dr. Nils Burkhardt
Dr. Nils Burkhardt gave an interesting lecture to our students! 
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