Training Program
The qualification program of the RTG2873 is aimed at educating a new generation of medicinal chemists in up-to-date methods and technologies. We offer a highly multidisciplinary educational program that mirrors the high standards of our research program. An important feature of the qualification program is the early involvement in international research. All courses, meetings, and events as well as the PhD thesis will be in English.
Three Cohorts of Doctoral Researches
The structured PhD program will be carried out by all students. The individual training plan contains compulsory and elective qualification elements, for instance:
- a lecture series on advanced medicinal chemistry (including modern methods and modalities)
- a central PhD colloquium aimed at bringing together all members of the GRK2873
- an international lecture series in medicinal chemistry. PhD students are invited to suggest speakers of their interest.
- a large variety of workshops on scientific, methodological, and soft skill topics
- annual retreats (organized by the PhD students) and international symposia (organized by the RTG)
- the international exchange program will enable each PhD student to spend up to 3 months in a foreign lab of our strategic academic and industry partners.

Bonn International Graduate School
The RTG2873 will be affiliated with BIGS (Bonn International Graduate School) system. BIGS provides a framework for all structured graduate programs of Bonn University, providing support for organizational aspects and promoting the collaboration between the different graduate programs. The PharmaZentrum Bonn established the Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS), and all PhD students of the RTG will become members of BIGS DrugS and will have access to the structured program and network of that overarching graduate school, which is open to all PhD students in the field of drug research.